Peace & Security


Youth Peace & Security

Consistent with AU’s Agenda for Youth, Youth Bridge Foundation has anchored its programs on the belief that Africa’s young people is its greatest asset, so it’s imperative to bring youth issues to the center of Africa’s development agenda and promote the role of
youth as equal partners in developing their societies.

Peace and security have been an issue with an observing complexities and threat not onlyto Africa’s development but more so to the continent’s youth development agenda.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 (UNSCR 2250), the first resolution on youth, peace and security emphasizes the importance of youth as agents of change in the maintenance and promotion of peace and security.

Whilst Resolution 2250, a thematic resolution, deals with the topic of youth from an international peace and security perspective, the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) sets a holistic framework in promoting Peace and Security in/and among African countries. Mirroring the 5 Pillars of UNSCR Resolution 2250 against the 5 Pillars of APSA clearly seem designed to form synergy.

Youth Bridge Foundation

Why Peace And Security?

Youth tend to be the victims and perpetrators of conflict. Africa’s youth bulge presents threats and opportunities to the continent. Heightened concerns of youth unemployment, limited education or no education, and little or no capacity to dialogue among others, across Africa tend to be red flags for concern for all stakeholders. The reality that the Continent’s Agenda 2063 requires peace to transform Africa into a global powerhouse is more urgent today than ever before.

SDG Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all level

Interrogating The Role And Value Of The Youth In The Peace and Security Discourse

Navigating Youth Pathway In The Complexities Of Peace And Security

Marshaling Youth As Agents Of peace and Security

Restorative Circle - Centered on repairing harm and healing, and community-oriented accountability as opposed to expulsion from the community and individual punishment

Peace and Security
Research, Dissemination, and Awareness Creation

We undertake youth sensitivity research to inform youth-oriented advocacy for a responsive and inclusive  youth-peace dialogue

Peace and Security
Public Lectures

MAIDEN EDITION- ‘My Neighbour My Friend, My Neighbor My Enemy: The Youth, Peace & Security Lecture And Dialogue Series ’


Youth Peace & Security