Youth Bridge Foundation Announces Remodeling of African Youth and Governance Convergence (AYGC) for 2024

Accra, Ghana – After 15 years of successfully hosting the annual event, the Youth Bridge Foundation (YBF) wishes to announce that it has decided to remodel the Annual African Youth and Governance Convergence (AYGC) to ensure its continued relevance and impact.

This decision was made after careful consideration and a thorough assessment of the current state of the event. The YBF is committed to ensuring that the AYGC remains a premier platform for youth engagement, leadership development, and governance in the sub-region.

While the AYGC will not be held this year, we encourage alumni and our sub regional groupings to within this period organise either in country or sub regional meetings within the same spirit of AYGC and connectivity. We are happy to provide technical support and guidance. This support will include mentorship and training to help our alumni design and implement their own events and initiatives.

The YBF is grateful for the support and partnership of our constituents including partners for the past 15 years and looks forward to continued collaboration to promote youth engagement and leadership in the sub-region and the diaspora.

For more information, please contact the secretariat at or +233552874806.

About Youth Bridge Foundation

Youth Bridge Foundation is a Youth oriented non-profit organization committed to positive Youth development in the African Continent and the Diaspora. We strive to achieve this purpose through cutting-edge and evidence based youth research, sustained advocacy, training and mentorship.

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